Fill 17
Lorem Ipsum

Fusce in risus sit amet dolor rutrum faucibus ut id magna.

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Unit Overview


    Pet Policies

      Billy Avila

      Director of Development

      Mr. Avila has over 25 years of experience in Design, Construction and Development and currently oversees all pre-development, project planning and construction management teams, as well as the on-site teams in their management of Rael Corpโ€™s stabilized assets.

      His diverse knowledge of the construction and development process, as well as his collaborative approach has led to success across a wide range of real estate projects. Rael Corpโ€™s reputation for consistently delivering on-budget and on-time is attributable to Mr. Avilaโ€™s careful planning and intensive management practices.

      While important in any development, the ability to consistently deliver projects on time is especially critical in the student housing sector, where occupancy is timed based on the start of the school year.

      Prior to joining Rael Corp, Mr. Avila managed construction projects nationwide, ranging in size from $5 million to $3.9 billion. His experience spans multiple product types including Multifamily, Student Housing, Continuing Care Retirement Communities, Mixed Use Developments, Retail, and Hotel & Resort developments both domestic and int